The checklist of fibromyalgia symptoms offered below isn’t meant as a means for self-diagnosis. Because there is no cure or cause yet identified for fibromyalgia, also known as FMS or Fibromyalgia Syndrome, early diagnosis and treatment for fibromyalgia symptoms has offered suffers better relief in the long run. Find a physician or practitioner who is well versed in the care and treatment of these fibromyalgia symptoms and treatment of the syndrome so that you’ll get the best possible treatment and relief of your symptoms.
What Causes Fibromyalgia?
Exactly what causes fibromyalgia remains unknown. Those with musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis or lupus are thought to be at a higher risk of developing Fibromyalgia.
Some research studies suggest that fibromyalgia may have a genetic link. Other studies have shown a connection between physical and emotional trauma and the development of Fibromyalgia symptoms. There is also evidence of abnormal levels of pain transmitters which cause nerve receptors to communicate to the brain that there is pain when there is no obvious reason for it.
Some researchers are inclined to believe that Fibromyalgia is viral in origin such as chronic fatigue and Epstein barr. Others believe that it is directly related to high levels of toxins in the body’s delicate system which can lead to chemical changes.
Recently a connection between sleep disorders and Fibromyalgia has been established since people suffering from Fibromyalgia lack delta wave sleep which is the deepest and most relaxing sleep of all. When deprived of this fundamentally restorative sleep, disturbances in the delicate biological rhythms severely compromise systemic health.
Food allergies have also been linked to Fibromyalgia symptoms. Specific foods which are known to cause sensitivities that can aggravate fibromyalgia symptoms include shellfish, milk, citrus fruits, wheat, corn, and tomatoes among others.
Use the list below to help you discern if you MIGHT be suffering from fibromyalgia, but don’t overlook seeking the advice of a physician. Because fibromyalgia symptoms are overlapping and affect several bodily systems, they can also be indicative of another problem or disease. While you might be tempted to use this checklist to self-evaluate, you may also be overlooking other symptoms that lead to a misdiagnosis. This mistake can prove fatal if the alternative disease could have been successfully treated if found early.
The listed symptoms are common to fibromyalgia but they don’t all happen to one individual. Each person can suffer the syndrome in a different manner and fibromyalgia symptoms can change over time.
These are fibromyalgia symptoms that have appeared to be more common to sufferers:
- Chronic muscle pain, muscle spasms, and leg cramps
- Muscle pain over specific trigger points identified in people with FMS
- Widespread pain
- Insomnia or waking up feeling just as tired as when you went to bed
- Sleep disorder called alpha-EEG anomaly
- Teeth grinding
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Mood changes
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Acid Reflux
- GERD – Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Headaches
- Widespread pain
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Muscle twitches
- Weight gain
- Moderate or severe fatigue and decreased energy
- Stiffness in the muscles after waking or staying in one position
- Difficulty remembering or concentrating
- Jaw and facial tenderness
- Feeling anxious or depressed
- Decreased ability to exercise
- Painful menstrual periods
- Irritable bladder
- Chest pain
- numbness or tingling
- sensitive skin
- dry eyes and mouth
- legs and arms feel swollen
- sensitivity to bright lights, noises and sometimes medication
Factors that can aggravate fibromyalgia symptoms:
- Changes in weather
- Menstrual cycle
- allergies
- Stress
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Over-exertion
Help for Fibromyalgia Symptoms
Researchers have discovered that certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which controls mood, sleep patterns, and pain, are very low in fibromyalgia patients. Apparently disturbances in brain chemistry are what causes the changes which occur in muscle structure and metabolism in people suffering from Fibromyalgia symptoms.
Currently there are no drugs approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration to treat Fibromyalgia although there are a few currently being developed.
Doctors mainly aim to treat fibromyalgia symptoms with the following types of medications:
- Analgesics: Used to relieve pain
- Antidepressants: Used to regulate brain chemistry imbalances many times responsible for pain and exhaustion.
- Benzodiazepines: Used to help relax tense and painful muscles
Natural Help for fibromyalgia symptoms
FibroFree Complex is a safe, non-addictive, FDA-registered natural remedy containing 100% homeopathic ingredients selected to relieve localized muscle pain, tender ligaments, sore tendons and tender spots on the body. FibroFree Complex may be taken at the first sign of tenderness as it works quickly to soothe body aches, cramps and pains, as well as alleviate facial pain and headaches. This remedy contains a selection of homeopathic ingredients known to relieve fatigue and promote energy levels, mood and mental clarity (reducing the feeling of ‘brain fog’), without side effects. FibroFree Complex is taken internally and presented in a convenient, concentrated tincture formula. It is easy to ingest and hassle–free with no artificial colors or preservatives. It is safe for all ages, including pregnant women or those who may be breastfeeding.
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