A systemic yeast infection may well be an unknown epidemic today. This is the cons many of the symptoms of a systemic yeast infection are also symptoms of other illnesses and diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, sarcoidosis and lupus.
Unfortunately, physicians don’t often recognize that these illnesses may be caused by a systemic yeast infection. Systemic yeast infections are extremely difficult to detect and kill.
Yeast is a common and natural fungus to be found in the intestinal tract. In the cases of people whose immune system has been compromised or in people who have been taking antibiotics this yeast growth goes into overdrive and his yeast infections are the result.
These infections can include sinus infections, vaginal vault infections, urinary tract infections and lung infections caused by the yeast. If your physician thinks you have a systemic yeast infection this can be determined using a blood, stool or tissue sample to be tested for the fungus.
Doctors speculate that anywhere between 70 and 90% of the population are affected by either a localized infection or a systemic infection at some point in their life. Some of the diseases that a systemic yeast infection can cause our arthritis, gout, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, high cholesterol, Crohn’s disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, acne, dandruff, depression, acid reflux and allergies. Many of these diseases are known to have no known cause.
Treatment for systemic yeast infections include a global protocol with the use of anti-fungal medications as well as dietary changes. It is important is to decrease the yeast count in the body to levels which the good bacteria will be able to handle and keeping control.
Foods which should be avoided include beer, wine and all forms of alcohol as well as breads, roles, pretzels, pastries, cookies and sweet rolls. In other words any form of food which uses yeast in the process of producing it. B-complex vitamins and selenium may also contain yeast in their process. These vitamins should be avoided unless they are labeled at yeast free.
Individuals should also avoid foods which contain mold or which support the growth of mold such as pickled, smoked or dried meat, cured pork bacon, all cheeses, mushrooms, peanuts or peanut products, malt or foods containing malt and canned or prepared tomatoes.
Individuals should also avoid anything with concentrated sugars such as honey or maple syrup, fruit juices, dried fruits, all processed sugars and anything containing high fructose corn syrup.
Dietary changes should also include foods that should be eaten on a Candida diet. These include all fresh vegetables, complex carbohydrates including grains, unprocessed nuts and seeds except peanuts, Henri find olive oil, plenty of water and limited quantities of fruit.
With these dietary changes should also be anti-fungal medications under the prescription of your physician. Holistic and homeopathic practitioners will also use herbal remedy is and detoxification to help resolve the hidden reason for the opportunistic infection in the first place. It is important to not only eradicate the infection but also eliminates the reason for the condition.
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